Wednesday, September 21, 2011

And there it goes...

... summer. How did it escape me? Somehow those hot, sunny days came and went without even a blink of an eye.  Oh, that's right.... I live in Oregon; we had cold, rainy days.

Nevertheless, my favorite season is upon us; a time for harvesting, preserving, and feasting!  I have every intention of updating this blog more regularly with delicious, mouth-watering recipes, but I've said that before.

To close out the summer days, I thought I'd celebrate by sharing photos of the ridiculously amazing food that we feasted on during our Hawaii trip (mainly because I have done ZERO cooking exploration over the last few weeks and have nothing to post).  Please don't grow tired of me or assume this blog is extinct... while it may seem endangered at the moment, I promise it will be up and running in full capacity in the coming months - you can count on it! For now, enjoy salivating over these covetous meals:

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