Friday, June 29, 2012

Herb-Stuffed Flank Steak

OH MY DELICIOUSNESS This was to die for.  I highly recommend using a top-quality steak; it really makes a difference in the tenderness and flavor of the meat.  This is meant to be savored. Slowly. Deliciously. Ingredients: Marinade: 1/4 cup dry red wine (we used a Cabernet Sauvignon and the left over paired perfectly with dinner) 2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 Tbsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce 1/2 tsp. freshly ground pepper 2...

Best Foods

As you may have already gathered, I am terrible at consistency.  I attempt to keep this blog updated with lots of delicious recipes, but the truth of the matter, is that I fail. There are multiple reasons for this failure, but the most significant is simply that we are too busy to eat. Yes, not just too busy to blog, but too busy to actually have a meal together.  Thus, the blog fails to be updated. But, here I am now, writing to a non-existent audience about the woes of our busy life and our lack of exciting meals.  I've been...